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Paleo Meatloaf

In the pan...
In the pan...
...On your plate!
...On your plate!

In honour of the 30-Day Paleo Challenge currently currently underway, I thought I would post another good recipe from Lisa’s Nutrition Blog.  Some mealtime variety will come in handy over the month ahead!

Paleo Meatloaf

2 lbs. Grass Fed Ground Beef (or ground turkey)
4 Eggs
1 1/2 cups Shredded Zucchini
1 1/2 cups Shredded Carrot
8 oz  Crimini Mushrooms – minced
1 Small Onion – minced
1-2 Cloves Fresh Garlic – minced
1 tbsp Italian Seasoning
1 tsp Sea Salt
1 1/2 tsp Black Pepper
1/2 cup Paleo BBQ Sauce*

In a small pan, saute the onion, garlic, mushrooms and spices over medium heat until tender. In a large mixing bowl, add the ground beef, eggs, zucchini, carrots, sauteed vegetables and 1/4 cup paleo BBQ sauce. Mix with clean hands until well combined. Place mixture in meatloaf pan. Bake for 1 hour 15 minutes at 350 degrees (until meat thermometer reads 160 degrees.) Remove and pour 1/4 cup paleo BBQ sauce evenly over meatloaf, bake for additional 10 minutes. Let rest about 5 minutes and serve.

*Paleo BBQ Sauce
1 15 oz Bottle La Victoria Red Taco Sauce (Medium)
1 20 oz Can Red Enchilada Sauce
2 tsp Liquid Smoke
1/4 cup Honey

Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Information you could use: Most BBQ sauce has 15 grams of carbohydrate per 2 tbsp serving due to the sugar and corn syrup used to make it. This recipe yields 4 cups of BBQ sauce with a total of 88 grams of carbohydrate which equates to just 2.75 grams of carbohydrate per 2 tbsp serving.

Happy Eating, challengers!

Today’s Workout:

Buy-in – 3 rounds of:  5 goblet squats, 5 pushups, 3 trailer run laps

WOD – “Strength Day”

This WOD has TWO parts:

1.  Back Squat 5 x 1, working up to around a 1RM (20 min)

2.  Floor Press 4 x 3, working up to around a 3RM (20 min)

Add your best squat to your best floor press for your score

Cash-out – 10 pistol squats per leg, 10 cartwheels (5/side, work on accuracy and smooooooothness)

Thursday July 8th: 10:30am
  • Skills: Muscle ups Bar + Rings, Forward and Backwards Rolls, Crocodile handstands
  • WOD: (20) Ball Press, (20) toes to bar

For more information click the link!


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