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Zone Games – give us your story!

Open Ladies WOD 3

Open Women hitting the row in WOD 3

Hey Gang,

So it’s been over a week since the Zone Games went down but there’s still chatter in the gym about who did what, what WOD sucked the most, and how the whole deal went down.  From my perspective, I couldn’t have been happier with how things went and was really impressed by the enthusiasm and energy of the competitors, spectators, and judges.  It was great to see it come together so well and have everyone “enjoy” the WODs and the whole occasion.


I’m only one person and I was kinda on the periphery of the whole deal, not in the crazy mix.  So if you’d like to share your version of the events, write something up and we’ll post it as a blog.  Your words might just inspire some of those “on the fence” people to join in the next Zone Games (September-ish!).

If you missed out on attending the Games, here are the results by placing in each WOD.

Category:  Open Women
Competitor WOD 1 place WOD 2 Place WOD 3 Place Total Points Overall Place
Brigit 6 7 4 17 6
Charly 2 2 1 5 1
Ivy 7 4 7 18 7
Jess 5 5 6 16 5
Kath 1 6 2 9 3
Michelle 3 1 3 7 2
Wendy 4 3 5 12 4
Category:   Open Men
Competitor WOD 1 place WOD 2 Place WOD 3 Place Total Points Overall Place
Bil 4 7 7 18 7
Brett 5 5 6 16 5
Chris 3 1 1 5 1
Craig 6 8 4 18 6
Felix 8 3 5 16 4
Harrison 2 4 3 9 3
Sam 7 6 dns    
Seung 1 2 2 5 2
Category:  Advanced Women
Competitor WOD 1 place WOD 2 Place WOD 3 Place Total Points Overall Place
Bonnie 1 5 4 10 4
Deanna 2 2 1 5 1
Heather 3 1 5 9 2
Lindsay 5 4 2 11 5
Tara 4 3 3 10 3
Category:  Advanced Men
Competitor WOD 1 place WOD 2 Place WOD 3 Place Total Points Overall Place
Adam 9 9 9 27 9
Conrad 3 7 7 17 7
Dan 4 5 2 11 4
Eric 7 3 6 16 5
Jer 2 8 8 18 8
sean f 8 2 1 11 3
Sean L 6 6 5 17 6
Shane 1 4 3 8 1
Tom 5 1 4 10 2

Can’t wait til the next one gang, heck maybe a two day event 😉 haha.


Today’s Workout:

Buy-in: 3 rounds of – 50 single skips, 10 overhead squats, 10 double crunch

WOD: “Traffic Jam”

Elite – 6 rounds for time of:

  • 8 push presses (95/135)
  • 8 ctb pullups (girls do normal)
  • 200 m run

Zone 4 – scale push press to 75/115, normal pullups

Zone 3 – scale push press to 65/95

Zone 2 – scale push press to 45/65, assisted pullups

Zone 1 – scale as needed

Cash-out – Easy 500m jog


Wednesday July 7th: 10:30am & 7:30pm

Skills: Skin the cat, P-bar swings, Kipping Pull-ups

WOD: (30) HSPU,  (25) strict pull-ups,(15) body curls

For more information click the link!


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