Resolutions can take many forms and surround a variety of topics.  There are those resolutions that have to do with your career, friendships and relationships, finances, health, eating habits, personal vices, and of course, our Zone favourite… FITNESS.  Why not take advantage of this brand spanking New Year and seize the opportunity to set some fresh, new fitness goals?  I’d like you all to take a minute and reflect on 2010; As you’re doing that, think about all the goals you’ve come up with throughout the last 12 months.  What skills are you wanting to finally crush? What times are you hoping to shorten?  What strength are you praying to improve?  Of course, for many of you, your consistent hard work means that your previous goals are being met in a timely fashion and even frequently exceeded. However, there is always a need to re-assess your progress and set new goals. And whenever doing so, always start with realistic thinking, establish realistic goals, and create a realistic plan!

We’d like you all to share your SMART resolutions for 2011 with us.  Post to the comments your short and long term goals.  When doing this, don’t forget to include any accompanying resolutions or changes you might need to implement to ensure you successfully reach those goals. Perhaps you need to tighten up your nutrition to maximize your energy, or increase your upper body strength so you can get those kipping pull ups.  Maybe you hope to surpass Coach Cam in a WOD, or beat Coach H-Bomb’s Deadlift PR. Whatever your goal is, write it down here and share it with the gang so not only your faithful trainers can help you, but the whole Zone community as well.

So get posting, and we’ll all ‘resolve’ to do our best to make it happen in 2011!

Today’s Workout:

Buy-in: 4 rounds of:  10 ring rows, 10 air squats, 10 kettlebell swings, 5 inchworms

WOD:  Mixed Tests

Continuing in our theme of getting baseline numbers to work from, here is a nice sequence of tests for your Tuesday enjoyment ;).

1.  2 min Wallballs (max number – hit the dot!)

2.  Max pullups (use band if needed)

3.  Max pushups (chest to ground each rep!)

4.  1000m row

Cash-Out: Group stretch, discuss goals!