Hey Gang!
So we’re back at it Monday, with our classes resuming as normal. Who’s as excited as I am?!
HOWEVER, we wanted to give you a quick heads up about one small temporary change to the scheduling. Due to the fact that this Monday, January 3rd is considered a “stat” by the working world, and our regular 7:00 a.m. Early Bird attendees are not planning to come WOD before the sun is up, we are cancelling Monday’s 7:00 a.m. class this week. But the 9:30 a.m. class will be rockin’ and ready to go!
See you there!
-Coach Bones
Today’s Workout:
Buy-in: 3 rounds of – 50 skips, 10 overhead squats (bar or pvc), 10 situps
WOD: Crossfit Total
HNY gang! It’s a great time right now to see where everyone is at with their baseline strength levels and the CFT covers our 3 big lifts – Squats, Presses, and Deadlifts. If you haven’t been training much over the break or don’t have a lot of experience going to max on these lifts, then go up to about 90% effort. Your numbers today will set the stage for improvements through the year.
3 attempts to achieve a 1RM in:
- Back Squat – be sure to achieve proper depth!
- Shoulder Press – no push from the legs
- Deadlift – keep it safe… minimize rounding through the back!!
Cash-Out: 2 min max double unders