Get your tickets to the Saturday Gun Show at the Zone! 😉
Don’t forget about the Functional Movement Seminar Sunday, April 15th from 9am – 11am. There are still a few spots available!
Today’s Workout
Buy In – 3 rounds of 5 pushups, 5 power cleans (bar only), 5 double crunch, 5 kb swings
* coaches organize teams and demo movements before going through the buy in
WOD – Regionals 2011 Team WOD 6
In a team of four, Gauntlet Style complete for time:
20 Calorie row
30 Burpees
40 Two-hand dumbbell ground-to-overhead (35lb / 45lb)
50 Toes-to-bar
100 foot Overhead walking lunge (25lb plate / 45lb)
150 foot Sprint
Zone 3 – scale ground to overhead to 20lb / 35lb
Zone 2 – scale toes to bar as needed, scale overhead lunge to 15lb / 35lb plate
Zone 1 – scale as needed
Get into teams of 4 (2 men, 2 women). All four athletes will perform the entire workout. The first athlete enters and completes the Row. When that athlete has completed the row, they move on to the Burpees, and the second athlete may begin the Row. This pattern continues, in order, through all of the movements. No athlete can begin at their next station until the athlete ahead of them is clear from that station.  A team’s result is the total time it takes for all 4 members to go through the workout.
Cash Out – MWOD
* Couch stretch
* Pigeon pose
* Roll out shoulders with a lacrosse ball