Hello all…
It’s time to follow up one birthday wod with another one. Donald Peterson, of 24 hour Treadathlon and 300km for the Kids fame, has his birthday as March 12! We’re reincarnating a WOD from a while back but toning it down slightly. Check it out and enjoy 😉
Today’s Workout
Buy-in: Get in a partnership and make a team name… must start with the letters “D” and “P” 😉
WOD: “Jarhead and Packman 2”
The full version of this was originally posted in support of Don and Rob’s Tahoe Rim Trail race last summer.
In partners, for time:
- 2 x 400m run with weight plate (25/45) – both partners run at the same time but only one carries the plate for each 400m lap (together the partners both cover 800m)
- 100 burpees each partner – 10 at a time then switch
- 2x400m run with weight plate (25/45)
Zone 2 – scale weight plate to 10/25
Zone 1 – scale as needed
Cash-Out: Group Stretch