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Saturday WOD and Testers!

Hello all,

It’s Saturday and time for the last fun WOD of the week.  Today we’ve got a blend of strength work and a few “tester” mini-wods to entertain you.  No group wod but tons’o’fun!


Today’s Workout

Buy-in:  Strength Work

  • DB or KB SeeSaw press – 4 x 8/arm
  • Take two equal weights and alternate pressing them overhead (like a normal standing press) – as one hand goes up, the other comes down – keep it continuous and smooth.


  • Heavy Russian KB Swing – 4 x 8
  • Work up in weight over your sets – Russian swings are to shoulder height so focus on hip drive
  • Aim for a weight quite a bit heavier than you would typically use in a wod.

WOD:  Testers

  1. 50 burpees for time
  2. 2 min max double unders
  3. max rep pullups
  4. 2 min max wallballs

Scale all movements as needed but aim for Rx if possible!

Cash-Out:  Easy block run as a group


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