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Family Photos!

Hi Family!

I know there are quite a few fabulous photographers at the Zone and have seen you take great photos. We are hoping that we can share your talent and photos with the Zone. If you are wanting to share your photos with the family, please bring in a memory stick or a cd for us to save the photos.

We have a photo gallery on Facebook with events photos etc. and we would love to share the photos with the family of the Regionals and the Zone Games 4.

Angry Kitten

A flash back of the past… check out the sweet vid that Coach Bones put together over 2 years ago for our Grand Opening.

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Don`t forget to come out for Dr. Salmon`s seminar on pre and post nutrition and hydration around exercise starting at 8pm!


Question of the Day (QOD): Keeping with the family  theme-One of my favourite people to wod with is _______ because____________.  Fill in the blanks and show your love!

Today’s Workout

Buy-in: Hang Squat Snatch – 10 min working on technique (OR SURVEY if you haven’t filled one out yet!)

  • Perform single or double reps, working up in weight slowly and not rushing in between attempts

WOD:  Tipsy

This is a 20min amrap of several different exercises (see below).  Focus on keeping a steady pace throughout the workout as opposed to crushing the first 10 min and struggling for the last 10.  A good way to do this is to attempt to do the reps unbroken on each exercise but then rest as needed in between so that you can do the same on the next movement.

  • 5 Pushups (hand release at bottom)
  • 5 toes to bar
  • 5 deadlifts (95/135)
  • 5 power cleans
  • 5 front squats
  • 5 wall walks

Zone 3 – scale bar weight to 65/95, sub kte for ttb

Zone 2 – scale bar weight as needed, scale wall walks to inchworms and ttb to double crunch, consider a 10 or 15 min time cap

Zone 1 – scale as needed

Cash-Out: Group stretch – focus on upper body and hip stretches


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