Hey Gang…
So after a slight delay, the second Crossfit Games Open Sectional WOD has been posted. They have extended the work period (from last week’s 10 minutes) to 15 minutes which will represent a significant push for most people’s work capacity. For most individuals, the pushups will likel be the stalling point in the later rounds, so set up a strategy around dealing with that. One thing to consider is that you don’t want to hit an absolute failure point on pushups too early as that can lead to you being reduced to single reps later in the WOD.
Technique elements that you should be aware of to keep yourself honest to the movement standards:
- each deadlift should finish with the shoulders behind a vertical line through the bar (i.e. hips extended and chest facing forward, not down)
- lift the body as a single unit in the pushup – no levering off the knees on the way up
- ensure arm are completely straight at the top of the pushup – especially a concern for people who go fast
- legs and hips should be fully extended at or above the height of the box jump. The heel of the foot should be at or above the height of the box as full extension is initiated – no landing on the edge of the box with the toe angled up and heel down
- as fatigue sets in, work to stay in a strong back position so as not to be pulled out of alignment by the deadlifts… trust me, you’ll be thankful Thursday if you pay attention to this!
That’s about it gang. Should be a fun one, trust your fitness and work hard to keep up your work rate in the later stages. Looking forward to seeing all your scores!
For those who are registered and competing in the Open, we will be having the regular Wednesday night judged WODs starting at 630 with a brief review of standards. Please RSVP to the comments of this blog if you are going to be attending so that heats can be made. Any and all other members who would like to come by and watch and cheer are welcome. If you are planning on helping out with judging, make sure that you are very confident in your ability to assess high speed reps and in a competitive environment.
Keep fit and have fun,
Today’s Workout
Buy-in: 3 rounds – 5 goblet squats, 30-50 skips, 10 kettlebell swings, 10 dowel dislocates
- Practice box jumps prior to workout – 3 sets of 5-8 jumps should be fine
WOD: Sectionals 11.2 – DL, PU, BJ
15 min AMRAP of:
- 9 deadlifts (100/155)
- 12 pushups (hand release at bottom, body rigid throughout, off toes)
- 15 box jumps (20/24)
Zone 3 – scale deadlifts to 75/115
Zone 2 – scale all movements as needed, 10 minute AMRAP
Zone 1 – scale as needed
Cash-Out: Come together as a group for foam roll, lacrosse ball, and discuss the workout!