Hello all,
Hope everyone’s feeling wonderful after a heavy dose of toes to bar and wallballs :). If you’re registered for the Games and are looking to get in an attempt on WOD 11.5 or are looking to re-do it, there is an option to do so.
On Sunday, April 24 from 1:30-3:30 pm you can pop down to the Zone and get your workout judged. Normally we would hold an open gym during this time as well but there will be minimal space available this time around so only come on down if you want to help judge or want to see some of your buddies enjoy the wod!
For those of you who have already completed the workout, make sure to submit your scores well in advance of the Sunday 5pm deadline. In case of a discrepancy between your score sheet and the submitted score, we will need time for you to re-submit… that deadline is very firm!
A reminder also of the Easter Holiday class hours – check yesterday’s blog post for details on that.
Keep fit and have fun!
Today’s Workout
Buy-in: Deadlift – 5 x 3 touch and go (light touch on ground – minimal bounce)
- quick warm-up then build through the sets
- don’t go for a 3rm but a tough 3
- 12 min time limit
WOD: “Jackie“
Jackie is an absolute classic Crossfit wod and is also a good prep workout for next week’s thrusters and pullups. If your hands are rubbished from the ttb on Wed, consider substituting the pullups for burpees (although that may not feel all that awesome either).
Rx: for time –
- 1000m row
- 50 thrusters (45lb bar)
- 30 pullups
Zone 3 – scale to 25 thrusters and 15 pullups
Zone 2 – 750m row, scale weight of thrusters as needed, assisted pullups, consider 25 thrusters, 15 pullups
Zone 1 – scale as needed
GAMES PREP – chest to bar pullups, 65lb thrusters if you’re crazy and feeling good
Cash-Out: Goat practice – choose 1 skill and work on it