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Skill of the Month – Pistols

The true test is, can you do a pistol and eat cake at the same time like Beast?

Mobility Goat month is over…. but that does not mean that you don’t need to spend time mobilizing and working on your goat.  Mobility is very important to help you get into a safe position and to build strength from this position.

This month we will be working on PISTOLS!  For those of you that are unfamiliar with a pistol, it is a one legged squat.  To do a pistol it take a lot of strength, balance, coordination and flexibility.  So guess what, you need to be spending lots of extra time mobilizing your hips and ankles if you want to improve your pistol squat.

If you are new to CrossFit and you have not mastered your Air Squat, we will have you working on dialing that in before we put you on one foot and squatting.  If you are unsure if you should be attempting a pistol, please ask your Coach for advice.

Check out this 10 minute drill that you can do through the month to build up your pistol:

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We have been drilling in to your brains “torque, torque, torque” and guess what?  We have to make sure that we create torque on that single leg so we force that knee out and keep the glutes activated through the whole movement.  Really focus on not falling to the bottom position, it should be a controlled decent.

Here is a video from CrossFit Vancouver on a few progressions that you can try:

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Today’s Workout:

Buy In – Coach led pistol technique.  Create a baseline of movement to test against at the end of the month.

Coaches, show a few mobility drills to help athletes get into the proper pistol position

WOD “Down and Up”

6 Rounds of:
15 Back Squat (95/135lbs)
12 Push Press (65/95lbs)

No racks allowed.  You will need to take weights on and off the bar in between sets if there is not enough bars in the class

Zone 3 – scale reps to 12 BS, 9 PP with RX weight
Zone 2 – scale BS to 75/115lbs, PP to 45/75lbs
Zone 1 – scale as needed

Cash Out – MWOD

Roll out the shoulders with a lacrosse ball
Stretch the shoulders as needed
Spend the remainder of the class stretching out the legs!


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