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Sport, art, or both?

Hello gang,

Sports and art have evolved and continue to evolve through the ages.  Our view of what a sport is, who participates, what venues are available, and all other structures have been shifted as youthful creativity has flourished.  The same goes for art… self – expression occurred at one point mostly through paintings, acting, and sculpting but now is shown increasingly more through movement of the human body.  As mainstream sports disillusion young athletes, a multitude of “fringe” sports are available to try that hold fewer restrictions on body and mind.

Go down to the local skatepark and see if you observe both sport and art coming together as youngsters try out new tricks, move to rhythms pumping from their ipods, and craft videos of their exploits.

Take a look at the following videos and let us know what you think.  Are these expressions of art and sport?  Or are they neither or both?  Think about how you move as an individual and what you think you are capable of doing and then reconsider after watching the videos.  Food for thought.



modern dance?



PS. Reminder about the WEducation Wednesday (tomorrow) night – start 745pm, going to around 9.  Non-members fee is $20.

Today’s Workout:

Buy-In:  Dynamic movement, coaches’ choice

WOD:  “Row – Thruster”

If there is any combo more terrifying, I don’t know of it.  This workout originally showed up on a couple of weeks ago.  It is definitely a physical and mental challenge but one our Zoners will surely conquer and enjoy.  Check out some of the best Crossfit athletes’ videos and scores here.

5 rounds for time of:

  • 500m row
  • 7 thrusters (95/135)

Zone 4: scale thrusters to 75/115

Zone 3: scale thrusters to 65/95

Zone 2: scale thrusters to 45/65

Zone 1: scale as needed

Cash-Out:  Follow the leader stretches


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