May Skill of the Month – Strict Pullup results are in…
Congratulations for working so hard in May to improve your strict pullup. Lots of members had to step back and make sure that their movement was safe and their technique was correct, but in the long run, they still got stronger!
Average increase in reps – 1.56 pullups
Best improved Female(s) Kandas and Heather both added 4 reps
Best improved Male was Morgan who also added 4 reps
Max Reps Female – Jackie at 13
Max Reps Male – Joss at 18
Did you enjoy working on your strict pullup?
What do you want to be the next skill of the month?
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Warmup hips and hammies before class, or coach led dynamic warmup (10 min, max), then:
EMOTM for 10 minutes, complete:
2 Deadlifts, increasing weight each minute
WOD -“Orangutan”
AMRAP in 3 minutes:
12 Jump Squat (35/45lb bar)
12 Toes to Bar
Rest 1:00
Complete 7 Rounds
Zone 3 – scale to 25/35lb bar
Zone 2 – scale to no bar for jump squats, scale toes to bar as needed
Zone 1 – scale jump squats to air squats, scale rounds as needed
Cash Out – Hydrate!