I love Wallballs! We miss you Radcon!
Hi Team,
Since you all were getting ready for a workout, we are not going to deprive you of that. In lieu of the Zone Games 6, we are going to get together and throwdown some workouts.
Come on down, all fitness levels welcome!
SUNDAY, JANUARY 22nd, 11:00am – 1:00pm
* Bring a workout of your choice to put in the hopper.
* The workout can be an individual, team or partner workout
* We may do more than one workout
* This is not a coach led class, more of an open gym style. You are responsible for getting yourself warm and prepared for the workout
* HP Zoners, since the session was cancelled this week, use this as your HP session to go hard!
* Feel free to bring a paleo food after the workout to share with the group!
See you Sunday 🙂
Today’s Workout:
Buy In- 3 rounds of 10 pushups, 10 kb swings, 10 broad jumps and 10 situps
- then make a team of 3 – make sure you team up with people of similar Zones. “Name theme” is combining the three names together
WOD: “What the Cat Dragged in”
This wod is made up of 3 parts – teams ranked for each part!
1. Team wallball Relay – 3 min for max relay wallballs as a group
Rx: 14/20
Zone 2: 10/14
2. Burpee Log Jump Relay – 3 min for max reps
- two team members lie on ground, third does burpee then hops sideways over both team members then next person does the same
- Rx:Â two burpees count as 1 rep
3. Box jump relay – 3 min for max reps
- jump on box in relay fashion, only one person’s feet on box at any one time
Rx:Â 20/24
Zone 2:Â 12/20
Cash Out – MWOD 59 IT Band Hell
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdHah3xPx6E&feature=player_embedded’]