I want you all to remember back to your intro session, when you first began coming to CrossFit Zone. Most of you should have gotten a handy binder called a “Success Journal.” There are many good reasons we provide you with this tool. If you aren’t currently using it, it’s likely you won’t get the optimal success that you strive for. Just like I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, our box is run like a school: if you don’t put in the work and time to do your homework, you won’t get the results! Ultimately, it’s your personal choice. But if the coaches are going to put the time and effort into teaching you, we want to make sure that you are maximizing your success by doing the extra work!
On our gym whiteboard, you may have noticed the drawing of a health and fitness pyramid. Did you also notice that the supporting base of that pyramid is Nutrition? The coaches are always nagging you about nutrition, and this is because nutrition is about 80% of your performance. 80% is a lot, don’t you think?
Let’s face it. You’ve had all summer to let loose and eat whatever you want, and the coaches have turned a blind eye. But now that summer is coming to an end, it’s time to put our foot down!
From now on, your loving coaches are making it a requirement for you to bring your Success Journal to each class! We’ll be randomly checking on a weekly basis to see if you’ve brought your Success Journal with you. On top of that, we will also be checking to make sure that you have recorded your food intake daily. Yes, daily! If you forget to record your food or bring your Success Journal to class, and are spot-checked by the coaches, the dreaded penalty is 25 burpees. But the catch is, if you forget your journal, the whole class has to partake in your burpee penalty. That’s right, 25 burpees for the whole class!!! It goes without saying that we’re only doing this for your own good. We want everyone to achieve optimal performance here at CrossFit Zone. Once you’ve been recording your WODs and nutrition consistently, you’ll notice increases in your performance and positive modifications to your diet. Heck, you’ll even be thanking us!
There are a few convenient ways to record your nutrition:
1. Email the coach of your choice your weekly nutrition log.
2. Record your nutrition in your Success Journal and bring it in to every class.
3. Record your food on our online forum
**If you are unsure about how to keep an accurate record of your nutrition online, please ask a coach for assistance.**
A special shout-out to Donald and Brian, who are currently our two most faithful and consistent clients when it comes to recording their food intake daily! A gold star for both of you. Have a look at their “homework”, if you want:
Brian’s Food Log
Donald’s Food Log
School is in session September 1st, so get recording! Random homework checks will begin as of then. If you don’t want to get busted by your teachers, get into the habit of bringing in your journal to every class, and start recording daily! And don’t forget that you can book a nutrition consult to get feedback from the coaches.
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – 500M Row
WOD – 5 Rounds not for time:
Deadlifts x 3 reps working up in weight each set
LSit Holds 10-20seconds
Handstand Pushups (can be modified) x 6 reps
Turkish Get-ups x 3 reps per side
* move slowly in between exercises and the focus is on technique, not speed!!!
Cash Out – 500M Row