Dub, showing us how it is done at Regionals 2012
Are you ripping the bar off the floor when doing Olympic Lifting? Are you having a hard time being patient during your pull in the snatch? Take a look at these two videos of two CrossFit athletes completing a three position snatch. This exercises will help to slow your pull off the floor and hit the proper positions on the way to reaching extension of the hip, knees and ankles before pulling yourself under the bar into a squat.
Tanya Fortunato
[vimeo clip_id=’45223170′]
Spencer Arnold
[vimeo clip_id=’45223203′]
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – review 3 position snatch, then
Snatch Balance – 3-3-3-3-3 E3M
Increase weight each set as long as you are able to get under the bar fast. If you are catching it in the power position and riding down, drop the weight back down.
WOD – “Heels Overhead”
Compare to March 28, 2011
5 rounds for time”
- 5 Handstand Pushups
- 10 Toes to bar
Zone 3 – scale to 1 ab mat
Zone 2 – scale HSPU on a box, scale toes to bar to hanging leg raises
Zone 1 – scale as needed
Cash Out – 5 way shoulder stretch with rubber band