The Holiday shopping frenzy is just kicking up into high gear, and hitting the mall in December can be a rather unpleasant experience. So, why not kill two birds with one stone, and shop in the Zone Store while you’re at the gym getting in a workout?
If you’re looking for some creative Christmas gift ideas for the fitness enthusiast in your life, then you should wrap up some of these nifty items:
– Zone Gift Certificates
– WSF Wrist Straps
– Zone T-Shirts and Reebok CrossFit T-shirts (to arrive soon!)
– Kids Zone T-Shirts
– Zone Hoodies (Red ones coming soon!)
– ALTUS Resistance Bands
– Skipping Ropes
– Zone Water Bottles
– Lacrosse Balls
**If you like, we can also put together a special gift basket with items of your choice, including Q Energy Drink, Fish oil, T-shirts, etc. Just ask us!**
Happy shopping, gang!
- High Performance Meeting: Don’t forget the High Performance meeting tonight starting at 7:30pm. For more details on the meeting, check out the post from last week
- Last day to get your Chistmas Party ticket for Saturday, December 10th (cash or cheque only please)
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Sumo Deadlift 5, 5, 3, 3, 1, 1
- Increase weight each set to a heavy 1 rep (90 % of 1rm) or 1 RM if rested and familiar with the movement
- 15 min time cap
WOD – The “Strong is sexy” Barbie (25 min cap)
5 Rounds of:
- 10 Pull ups
- 15 Push ups
- 20 Sit ups
- 25 Squats
- 1 min rest between rounds
Record your time minus the 1 minute rest between rounds. If you don’t finish the workout in the time cap, record 25 minutes and make a note in MFT.
Zone 3- Band assisted pullups
Zone 2- Knee Pushups, scale to 3-4 rounds (remember the time cap)
Zone 1- Scale as needed
Cash – Out – MWOD 21
Test: Overhead squat/walking lunge/ any knee forward biased movement.
Mob: Collect 10 minutes messing around with the Ugly Four.
Re-test: Try butt-kicking yourself. How about kneeling butt to ankle? Pose running drillls? Squat?
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