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We want your Feedback…

Thanks for participating in technique week.  It seems as though you learnt a lot this past week that you can use in your future CrossFitting career.  We would love to hear your thoughts.  Please answer the following questions and post to the comments section:

  1. What was your favourite day last week and why?
  2. What did you learn that you did not know already?
  3. Did you learn any mobility exercises that will help you get supple like a leopard?
  4. Will you take the tools you learnt last week and implement them from now on?
  5. Would you like to see another technique week in the future?  If so, what would you like to see?
  6. Any comments?

Thanks so much for your feedback!

Today’s Workout:

Buy In – Every 15 seconds, for 16 intervals, complete 2 Thrusters (95/135)

  • Coaches, give athletes time to warmup to workout weight
  • No racks allowed
  • Scale thruster weight as needed

WOD -“50-50”

compare score to January 19, 2012

5 Rounds For time:
10 Chest to bar pullups
10 burpees

Games Prep – upgrade to 5 muscle ups
Zone 3 – scale to kipping pullups
Zone 2 – scale to assisted pullups
Zone 1 – scale as needed

Cash Out – MWOD

5 way shoulder stretch
Roll out IT Band and glutes with a lacrosse ball


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