We are CrossFit Zone.
We work hard so that we may improve our fitness, our health, and our daily enjoyment of life.
We support each other and encourage each other to reach new levels of performance.
We hold ourselves to high standards of conduct and technique to reap the greatest benefits from our WODs.
We don’t exercise, we train.
We are more than a gym, we are a community of like-minded people driven towards similar end goals.
We confront challenges in our WODs that make us better people and make daily life challenges seem minimal in comparison.
We know that when we show up to train, there will be familiar faces, smiles, jokes, and support.
We welcome all who contribute to our community with their energy and passion.
We have a confidence and vitality that no other training program can instill within us.
We push our bodies and minds to experience the exhilaration of fatigue and the satisfaction of using our physical abilities to their full potential.
We drop the words “can’t” and “won’t” from our vocabulary.
We are CrossFit Zone.
Welcome to the Family.
Today’s Workout:
Buy In –
- 10 reps of each leg kicks (R/L), hip openers (R/L), sumo forward lunge, sumo backwards lunge, high knees, butt kicks
- 1 round of burgner warmup
- 1 lap around the block practising the Pose technique (jog)
WOD – “Tabata Mashup”
- Double unders / pullups
- rest 1 minute
- Double unders /pushups
- rest 1 minute
- Double unders / situps
- rest 1 minute
- Double unders / air squats
Zone 3: Scale to regular squats
Zone 2: Scale to assisted pullups / modified pushups / single jump rope if needed
Zone 1: Scale to jumping pullups / Modified pushups / single jump rope
A Tabata interval is doing an exercise for 20 seconds, followed by a 10 second rest; repeated for 8 intervals. In a Tabata mashup, you do the first exercise in the first interval (ie double unders) and the second exercise in the second interval (ie pullups). Complete all 8 intervals of double unders/pullups before moving onto the double unders/pushups
Cash Out – 5 reps of Kettlebell swings x 5 increasing weight each set