…..Okay, so we like sweets. We’re all human after all, right? Right. But in the event that we’re all being health conscious fitness enthusiasts, sometimes we have to come up with a Plan B to satisfy our sugar cravings. Try these two recipes from Mark’s Daily Apple:
Blueberry “Candies”
When a sugar craving hits, this blueberry candy ought to fit the bill:
5 cups blueberries
4 tsp cinnamon
1 ½ tsp ginger
2 egg whites
1/4 cup raw honey (yes, we know that honey is pretty much pure sugar, but when it’s spread out across 5 cups, it won’t have too much of a glycemic impact)
1 tsp vanilla extract
In a large bowl, whisk egg whites until frothy. Add in honey and vanilla and stir until combined. With a slotted spoon, add blueberries to the egg mixture. Remove and roll in a small bowl filled with a mixture of cinnamon and ginger. Repeat until all blueberries are covered. Using the same slotted spoon, transfer the coated blueberries onto a plastic dehydrator tray. Dehydrate for 24 hours or until dry. After 8-12 hours, or when you see that one side is dry enough, turn them over to dry other side. Serve or store in an airtight container.
All-Natural Fruit Roll-Ups
Who says fruit roll-ups are just for kids? This stow and go snack is great for throwing in your purse or backpack for a quick pick-me-up!
2 large apples
2 cups strawberries
1 tsp cinnamon
¼ cup purified water
Clean, core and dice apples. Add diced apples and strawberries in a blender and add a ¼ cup of purified water and cinnamon and process about 30 seconds or until smooth. Pour mixture on a teflex sheet (a Teflon-coated sheet commonly used to dehydrate delicate foods) and place in a plastic dehydrator. Dehydrate for 6-8 hours, remove teflex and flip fruit. Continue drying another 4-6 hours or until desired consistency is achieved. Use a pizza cutter to slice into snack-size pieces.
These two recipes may both be done in an oven if you don’t have a food dehydrator. Times will vary so keep an eye on it, but they will likely take about as long. A good rule of thumb when using an oven to dehydrate is to set the temperature between 100 and 150 degrees Fahrenheit, and keep the oven slightly cracked for the duration of the dehydration.
Today’s Workout – “full – on Friday”
Buy-in: Floor to overhead technique work – 4 rounds of 3 deadlifts, 3 hang power cleans, 3 push presses. Add weight each round up to WOD weight.
WOD: “Grace”
Elite – 30 clean and jerks (floor to overhead in two motions) – 95/135
Zone 4: scale to 75/115
Zone 3: scale to 65/95
Zone 2: scale to 55/75
Zone 1: scale as needed
Grace is another classic CrossFit “named” WOD. Done fast and furious, it can be done in under 90sec (!) however most people will want to scale so that they complete the workout in 4-6 minutes. Beginners may want to scale to a more basic movement – hang clean to press as opposed to going from the floor.
Cash-Out: Tabata Row followed by Tabata Double unders (low score on both – metres for double unders)