Running. Some people live for it, others love to hate it. It’s an old age form of exercise, and it has increasing popularity in the fitness world. But WHY should I run? What are the benefits? The way I see it, if you hate doing it, you might as well know the great things it does for you so you can focus on the positives, right?
While there is the potential for injury in running (just as there is in any sport), there are also many benefits. Some of these benefits include potential weight loss, improved cardiovascular health, increased muscle mass, increased emotional state. Ever hear of the runner’s high? It’s real! Running releases endorphins which triggers feelings of pleasure and contentment in the brain. Besides the “high“, Following a consistent routine of running can increase HDL levels, reducing the risks of cardiovascular disease. The real bonus? Running, like all forms of regular exercise, can effectively slow or reverse the effects of aging.
Who can argue with great benefits like that? Now get out there and get running!
Check out this video how to run naturally and effectively!
Today’s Workout:
For time:
- 1 km run
- 21 thrusters
- 21 pushups
- 15 thrusters
- 15 pushups
- 9 thrusters
- 9 pushups
- 1 km run
* Girls – 65lb thruster/ Guys – 95lb thruster