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WOD-Killah Of The Month


So far, we’ve highlighted two “WOD-Killah’s of the month”, Jeff Kreczmer and Ivy Chen.  We are now happy t0 announce our newest WOD-Killah, Jim Thomson!  Jim was technically our May feature athlete, so forgive us for posting this at the beginning of June. Greatness takes time!  😉

Check out this interview and kick-ass video that was put together by Zoner Ryan Clarke.  In his interview, Jim tells us a bit about how he feels since having started CrossFit…

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Since Jim started with us at the Zone, we have seen so much progress from him!  Over the months, Jim has increasingly stepped up his game by working hard at skill development, and regularly coming to classes.  He contributes to our Zone community with his special brand of humour, his friendly chatter, and his willingness to participate in group events.  Our Zone Family wouldn’t be the same without him, and for that reason we’re making sure to honour his dedication to our box!  Congratulations, Jim. 🙂

This weeks reminders:

Tuesday is the last day to sign up for Sunday¹s Zone games.  Registration
forms are available at the gym, $30.  Come out for a fun day of competition!
If you have any prizes to donate, please contact brigit (at)
We will also need judges and volunteers, if you aren¹t competing, come down
to help out!

On Wednesday at 7:30,  Cam will giving a Weducation on Crossfit
Programming-come and learn why we do a rowing/thrusters WOD every week!

Today’s Workout

Buy-in: Squat Snatch Tech –

  • 5 rounds of:  3 hang power snatches, 3 overhead squat, 3 snatch balances
  • 12 min time limit – use bar only or very light load

WOD:  “Partner Helen”

This wod first popped up in April of this year and we’re going to have another go at it.  Grab a partner of the same or different Zone and get after it!

3 rounds for time of:

  • 400m run
  • 21kbs (35/55)
  • 12 pullups
  • Relay style – while one partner is running, the other completes the kbs and pullups. When both partners are done their tasks, they switch.
  • 3 full rounds each person!

Zone 2:  scale KBS, run distance, and pullups as needed

Zone 1:  scale wod as needed

Games Prep:  Up-scale the KBS and pullups – make them chest to bar.

Cash-Out: Partner hamstring and quad stretches (lying down)


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