Hello gang,
I’ve recieved a lot of questions about the WODs and their content so now the wait is over. The story behind these workouts is that for the last Zone Games, I made 6 complete series of Games wods and then got Lucas and Deanna to choose which one we should do. For this competition, I took the remaining 5 wod sequences and popped them into a box and Michelle picked out the winner.
What resulted is a pretty basic series of workouts but ones that will still test across different time domains and different movements. Should be fun regardless and just wait for the medal ceremony!!
Post questions or concerns to the comments section – for all interested parties there is a competitor/judge meeting Friday night at 630 to clarify movement standards and cover any other issues that come up.
Let the games begin!
Novice Female
WOD1 – “Pistons”
- 8 min to max push press – 4 attempts starting every 2min
- 4 min warmup for front squats (max 45lb)
- 8 min to max front squat – 4 attempts starting every 2 min.
- Score is combined total of the two best lifts
WOD2 – “Reality Bites”
- For time: 20 situps, 10 pushups (knees), 20 squats, 10 burpees, Run 400m, 10 thrusters @ 35, Row 500m.
- Situps are with Abmat
Advanced Male and Female
WOD1 – “Power Push”
1.a. 3RM Power clean (4 attempts, each successive attempt starting on a 2min clock)
- Warm-up limited to 95/135
- all reps completed in 20 sec time limit
- must make all 3 attempts in the 20s (if you miss you can’t do another rep)
- must catch with thighs above parallel with floor
- Athlete must make at least one attempt in each 2min interval
- Once weight has been added, athlete may not attempt a lesser weight
1.b. Max HSPU in one set
- attempt will begin when clock reaches 9:00min
- head to ground, feet on wall at top, full extension of arms
- hand spacing will be the length of the athlete’s forearm plus one hand width either side
- back to wall, no kip
- each rep adds 2lb to your clean weight
- girls head touch to one Abmat
WOD2 – “Seventh Heaven”
7 min Time limit:
- Run 2 x 400m course, then –
- As many reps as possible in the remaining time of:
- 10 burpee box jumps (20” girls, 24” guys)
- 10 knees to elbows (must touch elbow or forearm with knee)
WOD3 – “Pacemaker”
4 rounds for time of:
- 12/20 pullups (girls 12 per round, men chest to bar)
- 15 kbs (girls 35, guys 55)
- 10 thrusters (75/115)
- 500m row
Intermediate Female and Male
WOD1. “Power Push”
- As above with the following modifications
- Warm-up limited to 65/95
- Hspu to two Abmats (girls) one yoga block (guys)
WOD2 – “Seventh Heaven”
- As above with the following modifications
- Knees to elbows – can touch anywhere from armpit to elbow
- Amalgamation mod – 600m run course
WOD3 – “Pacemaker”
- As above with the following modifications
- 6 pullups per round (girls), 12 pullups per round (guys)
- KBS at 25-30/45
- Thrusters at 55 (girls), 75 (guys)
The WOD schedule will be posted at the latest by Saturday afternoon. Expect a 1.5-2 hour break between WODs and to be available from 9 until approximately 4:30pm on Sunday.
Don’t forget to come and visit Scoots today for the first Friday 12:15pm class on the schedule!
Today’s Workout
Buy-in: 3 rounds of – 20 backwards skips (or 40 forwards), 2 turkish get ups (1/side)
WOD: Squatzilla
This is a two part workout, both components contribute to your score! We first did this workout on Sept 20 2010.
Part 1 – Back Squat 5 x 5. Sets 3-5 should be at or above 75% of your current 1RM
Part 2 – Tabata Fun
- Alternate Tabata intervals of the following exercises for 4 intervals each: Pullups, Squats, Situps
- Performing 20s of pullups, resting 10s, 20s of squats, resting 10s, and 20s of situps constitutes 1 round. You will be completing 4 full rounds.
- Your score is your total of your low scores for each exercise.
Combine your best back squat for 5 reps with the total of your low scores for your overall score.
Cash-Out: Foam roll and lacrosse ball upper back, pecs, legs