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Zone Games Movement Standards!


Hello all,

Here are the movement standards for the Games on Saturday.  Please attend the athlete’s meeting Friday night to go over specifics and to ask any pertinent questions.

General Rules:

  1. Judges decisions are final
  2. Kipping is allowed on:  ring dips, hspu, muscle ups, knees to elbows, pullups
  3. Scaling is allowed however you will be scored behind all other competitors who did not scale their workouts.
  4. Athletes are in charge of their own scorecards.

 “David and Goliath”

  • Overhead squats – bar must be held above the height of the head with both arms for the duration of the exercise.  The athlete must descend into a full depth squat (hip crease CLEARLY below top of knee).  All 3 reps must be executed consecutively (i.e. no pausing on the shoulders or re-racking).  Every 2 minutes, you get 1 attempt – if you miss a rep due to depth you may continue until you get 3 good reps without racking the bar.  You may increase the weight however you cannot decrease the weight at any time.
  • Knees to Elbows – any grip may be used.  You must touch the upper arm with both knees and the feet must pass a vertical line drawn down from the pullup bar on every rep.  You may pause and re-start as long as you don’t let go of the bar.
  • Ring Dips – the first rep starts from a fully extended arm position.  You must touch the front of the bicep of both arms to the top of the ring in the bottom position.  The arms must be fully extended and the torso near vertical to finish the movement.  Make sure of the lockout.
  • Muscle ups – All reps must start from a fully extended arm position (straight arms).  Turnout of the hands is not necessary.  The movement is finished with the torso near vertical and full lockout of the elbows.

“Rowbot Thrurpees”

  • All ergs will be set to count down from 1000m.  You may not let go of the erg handle or undo the footstraps until the metres have reached “0”.  Damper can be set at athlete’s discretion.
  • Thrusters start with the athlete at full extension of the body with the bar on the front of the shoulders.  A full squat must be performed and the upwards movement must be smooth and continuous – i.e. no pause at the top of the squat for a push press or push jerk.
  • Burpees start with the athlete in full standing position.  The chest and front of thighs must contact the ground at the bottom of the rep.  The rep is finished by a jump and clap with the body near vertical.

“CF Classic”

  • Wallballs must include a full depth squat.  The ball must contact the wall at or above the height of the dot at 10′.  Make sure of the height, judges will call no rep if there is any doubt.
  • Double under reps must have the rope pass twice under the feet – landing on the rope with the feet on the second pass does not constitute a full rep.
  • Box jumps – ensure full extension at or above the height of the box.  You may jump off the top or step down.  No step-ups will be allowed.
  • Kettlebell swings – the weight must pass behind the midline of the body and finish at near full extension of the arms with the arms being perpendicular to the floor.
  • Pullups – full arm extension at the bottom, chin above height of bar at the top. 
  • Pushups – Games standard – hands must come off the ground at the bottom of the rep, full extension of arms at top.
  • HSPU – No abmat or other covering on the floor.   Hand spacing is up to the competitor.  The head must contact the ground at the bottom of the rep and the arms must reach full extension at the top with the feet in contact with the wall.
  • 2 x 400m run – A cone will be set up at the corner of Douglas and Fisgard and also in front of the Zone parking lot.  The first run starts from inside the gym.  The athlete must run up to D+F, around the cone then around the cone in front of CFZ.  The athlete then continues back to D+F, around the cone again then runs back to CFZ with time stopping once the athlete gets on the rubber floor inside the gym.

Any and all questions will be answered tomorrow night at 630 pm.  Expect a heats list sometime tomorrow afternoon.

If you have not paid your registration fee for the Zone Games tomorrow, please bring the money into the Competitor’s meeting tonight or email to ring it through on your credit card.

Don’t forget the Yoga today is cancelled at 10:30am (just this week)

Today’s Workout:

Buy In – Coach led dynamic warmup, followed by a warmup block run

WOD7 Eleven

AMRAP in 7 minutes:

  • Run 2ooM
  • 11 Pullups
  • 11 Walking lunges (alternating)
  • 11 Situps

Zone 2: Scale to assisted pullups

Zone 1: Scale as needed

Cash Out – Spend some time with a lacrosse ball rolling out your feet, glutes, IT band, back and shoulders


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