Photo credit goes to
Just a couple quick announcement reminders:
Cave Month begins today…. Come down at 6:30pm to do measurements (optional) and a baseline workout (not The Baseline) or join us on Saturday at 12:00pm
The two rowing seminars are on this Sunday (January 8th). The Beginner seminar is from 10:30am – 12:00pm and the Intermediate seminar is from 1:30pm – 3:00pm.
If you have not paid for your seminar, bring in your money ASAP! Your spot is not held until you bring in your money. We need 2 more people to attend the Intermediate seminar to run. If we do not get 8 people signed up, we will have to cancel the seminar or ask that everyone pay a little extra.
Today`s Workout:
Buy In – Turkish Get up. Complete 10 right arm and 10 left arm challenging reps. Challenge yourself with heavy weight, trying a barbell or medicine ball. Have some fun!
WOD – “Cindy’s Evil Twin”
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
- 5 Strict Pullups
- 10 Strict Pushup Burpees
- 15 Lunge
In the AMRAP, the R stands for Rounds. Just like in Cindy, only completed rounds count for your score. Really push that last round
Zone 3 – Scale to kipping pullups
Zone 2 – Scale pushups to knees, rubber band for pullups
Zone 1 – Scale to 10 – 15 minutes
Games Prep – Upgrade your pullups to weighted or strict chest to bar, and/or add a 25/45lb plate to the lunge
Cash Out – MWOD 46 + Don`t forget to give some love to the shoulders!
Mwod: Solo or with a friend: Straight let hip extension (hammies)
Split hip extension
Floor Internal Rotation
2 min each leg/position– 3 min on the Floor IR
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