We want to Thank You for being amazing Zoners who have been so supportive during this 2012 CrossFit Games season! This is why, the week after Regionals, we are having a Zoner Appreciation week.
What does this mean?
To show our appreciation, we are offering every Zone member UNLIMITED CLASSES from Monday, April 30th to Saturday, May 5th!
We are grateful for how supportive you have all been of our Games obsessed chatter, patient with our busy, extra full gym, and understanding of our altered class schedule. You’re the best!
– The CrossFit Zone Team
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Athletes choice of 5 x 3 reps of Dumbbell shoulder press, push press or jerk
* Increase weight each set
* Make sure that the DB is back all the way, wrist should be directly over top of the shouler
* Keep the Core tight!
WOD – “Top of the World”
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:
Chest-to-bar pull-up
Up and Over Box jump, 24/ 30 inch box
Knees to elbow
Zone 4 – scale to regular pullups
Zone 3 – scale box height to 20/24 inch box
Zone 2 – scale to assisted pullups, hanging leg raise
Zone 1 – scale to double crunch and anything else as needed
Cash Out – MWOD
* Stretch out lats with a band
* Roll out IT bands with a roller or ball