What is this 1School 1 Day thing that you’ve been seeing posters and blog posts about??
On One Day this September, participants of 1s1d will come together for an hour of motion to support education in Ethiopia. Participants will choose where they move from a list of health and fitness affiliates (and the Zone is hosting some classes!). Together, people all over will share the experience of moving together towards this cause.
- raise $100,000 – the cost of One School in Ethiopia
- get 5,000 participants moving at the same time all across Greater Vancouver and Vancouver Island
- To unify the Health and Fitness community towards a great good
On Saturday, Sept. 24th, CrossFit Zone will be running 12 classes for this 1 School 1Day fundraiser, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
Registration for this upcoming 1 School 1 Day event has opened! All we need now is some people to come down to our classes and start building this school. The easiest way for people to register is to click this link, which will take you to the “Participate” Page on the 1s1d website:
All you as a participant have to do is select the appropriate affiliate category (ie. Group Training), find our Zone classes amongst the list, and proceed with your $20 payment.
We are also accepting donations! If there is someone who cannot participate on the day or wishes to donate on top of their participation fee, click on this link:
- 200m row
- 15 kettlebell swings (35/55)
- 10 burpees
Zone 3 – scale kbs to 20-25/40-45
Zone 2 – scale kbs as needed
Zone 1 – scale WOD as needed
- experiment with the parallettes for handstands
- aim to accumulate 2 min of lsits and 3-4min of handstands
- use a spotter for safety!