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Let’s Celebrate Our Successes!

CrossFit Zone athlete Tom James after a partner WOD

Tom James recovering after a partner WOD

Some of you Crossfitter’s have been working hard to get results both in the gym and out.  The CrossFit Zone team is proud of everything you guys have achieved so far with your strength and nutrition!

We’d like to congratulate a couple people on their achievements:

Erin Mowat has successfully completed her first kipping pull-ups!  After lots of work, she nailed them.  Way to go, Erin!

Tom James has been sticking to the Zone Diet for the last couple weeks, and is seeing some encouraging results.  In the short time he’s been following the Zone, Tom says, “I’m already noticing changes….recovery time after exercises seems to be less and I’m getting more lean as well. The biggest thing is that I’m no longer hungry but can actually feel when my body needs to eat. Kind of an odd feeling… and if I keep consistent spacing between meals and snacks my energy levels throughout the day are awesome.  First time actually strictly watching what I’m eating and it’s paying off on many levels!”  Great to hear, Tom.  Keep up the good work!

Congrats to Tom James for achieving his first muscle up on Saturday!

Our new recruit, Brian Ogilvie, completed the baseline workout in his intro session this week, and got his kipping pull-up right away!  Very impressive.  We can’t wait to have Brian back in the gym so we can see what else he has up his sleeve…

Nice work, everybody!

Today’s Workout:

Hang power clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps


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