1. How did you find out about Crossfit?
I found out about Crossfit Zone from a facebook group. I wasn’t too sure about it at first as I have a hard time committing to things once I have started them (exercise wise). But once I had my first day of intro I was hooked from then on.
2. What is your favourite Crossfit exercise or WOD?
My favourite Crossfit WOD are any that kick the sh** outta you…. I love the ones that take longer than 20 minutes as I know by that point I am borderline death haha. I enjoyed doing Filthy Fifty, also Perpetual Motion.
3. How long have you been Crossfitting for?
I have been Crossfitting for 6 months now. I am super proud of myself for sticking with it but also how much I really love coming and working out (this is a first for me 🙂 )
4. What do you do for a living?
I am currently finishing up my last year of university in the Elementary Education program. Other than being a full time student, I am also a part-time housekeeper (just putting it out there). My hope is to stay in Victoria once I finish and continue to pursue being a teacher in my hometown.
5. What are your hobbies?
I love to scrapbook and to stamp. I have been doing scrapbooking for years now and have just gotten into stamping. I love hanging out with friends, going to movies etc. I also enjoy hiking and spending time with my husband. This year my husband and I are planning on hiking the West Coast trail (a new training goal has been set). But I think my most prominent hobby is Crossfit. I don’t know what I would do without it.
6. What are your goals?
In addition to my many Crossfit goals (unassisted pull-up, and faster running times), I hope to be able to complete my first half-marathon in October. I have also dreamed of completing a triathlon, but this goal may be a couple of years away.
7. Why do you Crossfit?
I Crossfit because I love how it makes me feel. I have seen some drastic changes in my body and also my attitude towards working out that I could never imagine not doing Crossfit. It motivates me to get stronger and to try harder. It is not boring and repetitive as some gym routines are. I have been there 6 months and have done the same WOD only a few times, and I love that about Crossfit. You never know what crazy stuff is coming your way for the day. I also love how many amazing people I have met as a result of CFZ.
8. Any advice for future CrossFitters?
My advice to future CrossFitters would be join, just do it, you won’t regret it one second. It is the most amazing “gym” (I put it in quotes because I dislike the gym, but I LOVE Crossfit) you will ever join. You have endless support and you can only succeed with the support of CFZ. It was by far the best commitment that I have ever made. The videos online are intimidating until you try CrossFit and realize that the people in the videos started somewhere too, you have the ability to get stronger no matter where you start. Hope to see some new faces in the new year 🙂
If you would like to be the next Spotlight Athlete, please fill out the questionnaire
Today’s Wokout:
Buy In –Â Take 10 minutes to work on ring dip progressions. If you already have a ring dip, go for a PR. See progressions below:
- Jumping ring dip
- Ring dip with rubber band assistance
- Static ring dip
- Kipping ring dip
WOD – “Hamstrung”
1000 M Row
Rest – 5 Minutes
12-9-6 Reps for time:
- Split Jerk
- Deadlift Burpees
Add your time from the 1000M row to the second section of the workout
Elite: 115/155
Zone 5: 95/135
Zone 4: 75/115
Zone 3: 55/95
Zone 2: 45/75
Zone 1: Scale weights as needed
Cash-out: “Follow the Leader” Stretches – each member shows a stretch, everyone performs it for 30 sec. These can be normal stretches, dynamic stretches, yoga positions etc.
Running WOD
Rest / Recovery 5-8km run
Please post in the comments when and where you are doing your run if you would like people to join you!
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100 Day Burpee Challenge:
Burpees today: 42
Buy-in: 903