Mid-WOD slumps happen to even the most committed CrossFitters. Learn how to avoid these feelings so you can push through and get the most of your WODs, instead of sacrificing form and intensity at the gym.
Eat for Energy
A well-balanced diet is necessary for any healthy lifestyle, but it becomes increasingly important when you’re exercising at high intensity. If you start to crash mid-workout, what you did or didn’t eat beforehand could be to blame. Proper planning of your meals and snacks will give your body steady fuel. On days that you plan to hit that heavy WOD, you might need to eat even more before you head to the gym.
Don’t Skimp on Carbs
Long distance athletes are known to “carb load” in the days leading up to a race, because the human body relies on carbohydrates for energy. While this may be true… we’re not encouraging you to carb load! What we mean to say is that carbs are your body’s preferred source of fuel, powering everything from your brain to your muscles. Most people fear carbs, but they’ve gotten a bad rap. Your body has specific needs when it comes to GOOD carbohydrates, and you should pay attention to this as part of your daily nutrition. Make sure you’re meeting your body’s needs for sustained energy all day!
Pump Iron
Iron is a trace mineral that helps blood carry oxygen to the muscles throughout the body, keeping them powered up during a workout. In general, an iron deficiency can also lead to sagging energy levels. Women are more likely to experience low iron levels, but if you suspect your body is low on iron, talk to your doctor. A simple blood test can determine if iron is an issue, and your doctor can help you get back on track. You’ll find iron in lean red meat, fortified cereals, and leafy greens, but steer clear of supplements (unless recommended by your doctor) because too much iron can be toxic.
Drink Up
Dehydration is another possible cause of “hitting the wall.” When you exercise, sweating cools your body down, but it can also be detrimental if you’re not replenishing the fluids you lose. Especially when losing the amount of sweat that a CrossFit WOD can produce! That means drinking some water before you start your workout, drinking as needed throughout, and enjoying a tall glass of water once your WOD is over. The key is to drink even before thirst sets in, because by the time you recognize you’re thirsty, you’re already on your way to dehydration.
Be a Planner
Do you set your alarm for a 7 a.m. WOD, only to snooze until your exercise slot has come and gone? Or do you come home from work at night, too exhausted to hit the gym? As much as you can, try to schedule your WODs for the times of day that your energy is at its peak. Even if it’s a little less convenient, you’ll get a better workout and might be more likely to stick with fitness goals.
Rest Up
Whether you’re skimping on sleep or you’re exercising too much, a lack of rest and recovery can zap your energy levels and hurt your progress, too. Most people need 7-8 hours of sleep each night, so reorganize your day and your time so that you can get as much shut-eye as possible each night. After all, who wants to exercise when they feel tired and run down? Plus, during sleep, the body repairs and regenerates tissues, builds bone and muscle, and appears to strengthen the immune system. Important stuff!
Overtraining can also lead to increased fatigue during your workout. Sometimes, even the most experienced CrossFitters and athletes need a break. Learn to listen to your body. Often when you’re too tired to make it through your usual workout, your body just needs a break, after which it can come back even stronger!
Deal with Stress
Just as your mental to-do list can keep you awake at night, other life stressors can creep into your mind during a workout and distract you from the task at hand. Sometimes these thoughts are overwhelming, and the sheer thought of dealing with the issue can be exhausting. Other times, feeling too busy can cause you to stop your workout efforts short because you want to work on something else other than fitness. While working out can help you alleviate stress, sometimes life hands you a little too much, which can result in fatigue, aches, pains and headaches. Instead of letting your stress prevent you from hitting the gym, think of your workout as a much-needed break. Use this small window of “me” time to mentally sort through any issues you’ve been dealing with lately. Or think of it as one small part of your day that isn’t filled with stress, work, and a never ending list of tasks. If necessary, plan some additional de-stressing tasks into your day. Just like you take time to exercise, take some time to relax.
Overall, the occasional energy slump can usually be fixed paying attention to your body and mind. Sometimes it’s a combination of lifestyle changes that works best. If you try various methods, yet still feel run down all the time, or exercise results in major fatigue for you, make an appointment to see your health care provider to find out why!
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – 5 minute rowing warmup with 26 strokes per minute. If you are new to cleans, have the coach go over technique.
WOD – “Running Elizabeth”
For time:
- 12 Dumbbell Squat Clean (35/55)
- 12 Ring Dips
- Run 200 M
- 9 Dumbbell Squat Clean (35/55)
- 9 Ring Dips
- Run 200 M
- 6 Dumbbell Squat Clean (35/55)
- 6 Ring Dips
- Run 200M
- 3 Dumbbell Squat Clean (35/55)
- 3 Ring Dips
- Run 200M
Movement standards:
- Dumbbell cleans: db must touch the ground at the beginning of each rep, land in a squat (below parallel), stand up to full extension at the top.
- Ring dips: bicep must touch the rings on each rep and full lock out of the elbows at the top.
Zone 3 – Scale DB clean to 20/35lbs
Zone 2 – Scale to assisted ring dips or parallel bars
Zone 1 – Scale movements and reps as needed
Cash Out – Coach led plank sequence
*** For those planning to attend Thursday Night at Gymnastics, please read****
There may be a change of location for Thursday night (19th), instead of class at the CROSSFIT ZONE, Class might be held at Falcon Gymnastics. Where we will be able to utilize a gymnastics floor, tumble track and trampoline. . . and lets not forget the foam pit. I will be teaching a tumbling based class, this means anything from a round-off , a standing back flip. . .etc. This will be confirmed tomorrow. If this option is available for us, then the Gymnastics drop in fee will only be 8$ payable to the gymnastics club. There might be a 15$ registration fee, however this might be waived. Please let me know if you are interested in this.
Wednesday 7:30pm Aug 18th
- Backwards roll to Handstand
- Skin the cat
- P-bar swing