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Bring Yo Friends!


We are hosting a Friends and Family night at the Zone!

Wednesday night’s potluck/ BBQ was so much fun that we want to do it again, very soon!

Who: Friends, Family, anyone is welcome even if you don’t know a member.  This is for ALL Fitness Levels!

What: A super fun CrossFit Zone wod, followed by a BBQ social.  The Zone will be providing burgers, hot-dogs, and a veggie option 😉  If you or a friend  are coming and are a vegetarian, please let us know for numbers.  If you want something either than what we provide, please bring your own meat.

Where: At the Zone of course!

When: Friday, September 10th @ 5:30pm.  We will start off with an introduction at 5:30pm, workout at 6:00pm, followed by the BBQ.

Why: To give you a chance to show your friends how cool CrossFit is!

How: Get your butt out to the Zone.  This workout is FREE for everyone!!!

Hope to see you Zoner’s out with some fresh meat!!!!

Today’s Workout:

Buy In – Make sure you are nice and warm! Complete 3 rounds of the CrossFit warmup.

WOD –  “Skillz”

3 Rounds not for time:

  • Max L-Sit  on parellettes or rings
  • Overhead Squat 5RM (work up to in 3 sets)
  • Max pushups
  • Turkish getups 5R/5L (add weight each set)
  • Max handstand hold (Free standing or against wall)
  • max double unders (if you are not proficient, spend about 2 minutes each round of attempts)

* This workout is not posted in My Fran Time, if you hit a PR in anything please post it separately.   Overhead Squat 5RM will be posted as the WOD.

Cash Out – Follow the leader stretching


Friday 6:30pm Sept 3rd


  • Parallel bar Swings + Skill transfer
  • Rings: Fwd Roll/ or Skin the cat
  • Pull-overs/Feldge on rings



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