Christmas party tickets are available for the Zone party on Saturday, December 15th starting at 7:00pm. This is a dress up party, so no Lulu’s or CrossFit Affiliate gear. Time to put on your nicest dress or shirt and tie 😉
Come in and get your ticket for you and your partner. Tickets are $20, providing you with appetizers, wine, beer, cab voucher to get home and lots of fun! We accept cash, cheque, or debit on the machine. No Credit Cards allowed for payment.
You are more than welcome to bring anything else you may want to drink or eat.
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Deadlift 7 x 3 reps
WOD – “Balls”
(30 minute time cap)
5 Rounds for time:
20 Wall balls (14/20)
20 Ab-Mat Med ball toss (14/20)
200M Med ball run (14/20)
Zone 3 – scale the WB and ball toss reps to 10-15 (RX weight)
Zone 2 – scale ball weight to 10/14lbs
Zone 1 – scale the rounds and reps as needed
Partner Option:
RX – double the reps and break up as needed. Both partners take turns completing the 200M run
Zone 2 – split the 20 reps together as needed, run the 200M together alternating the ball carrying
Cash Out – Foam roll everything