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CrossFit Zone is super stylin!

CrossFit Zone - New Logo!

We are proud to let you know that CrossFit Zone has a new look!  Check it!!!!

With this new look, we will be redesigning our website and selling new shirts!!!  We want to get some pre-orders in before we place the final order.  This will help us make sure that we have the correct sizing and that you don’t miss out this time on the t-shirt craze!

To get an idea of what the shirts will look like take a look at photo below of the Zone’s affiliate team at Regionals!

CrossFit Victoria BC - Zone Affiliate Team

Please send your sizing to


Angry Kitten

Today’s Workout:

Buy In – 3 rounds of 3 laps trailer run, 5 goblet squats, 10 double crunch

WOD – “Everest”

Elite:  For Time –

800m run with weight plate (25/35lb) – can be carried any way you like

then 3 rounds of:

30 mountain climbers (15 per leg)

20 step-ups (10 per leg, 20/24) – ensure full hip extension

10 pullups (15/35lb) – dumbbell between feet


800m run with weight plate (25/35)

Zone 3:  Scale weight plate to 15/25, sub regular pullups

Zone 2:  Scale weight plate to 10/15, assisted pullups, 400m run, scale box height

Zone 1:  Scale as needed

Cash Out – relax, foam roll the tight spots, cheer on your buddies!


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