We all have to eat. So, in my opinion, we might as well put something good into our systems! By “good”, I don’t mean Hawkin’s-cheezies-good, or mint-chocolate-chip-double-churn-ice-cream-good, or even sour-ju-jube-good. I mean food that is good for your body!
Ok, I think I heard a collective groan go up from all the readers just then… Take it easy, and hear me out. While food that is labelled as junk is sooooooo tasty, the same can be said for food items that are considered healthy! There are countless resources available out there that are designed to help make your health conscious food taste delicious and delectable.
Why, one such resource happens to be right under your nose! Have you ever looked in the bottom right-hand corner of our website at the “Meal of the Day” link? There are some delish looking Paleo dinner solutions right at your fingertips.
I’m also here to remind you that at the Zone we provide free nutrition consultations with your membership packages! The Coach of your choice will be more than happy to make an appointment at your request to go over your daily nibbles and help devise a better eating plan that works for you! While we can’t make you eat right, at the very least we can get a dialogue going in which you can ask questions and start delving into what nutrition means to your health, weight and overall fitness goals.
So put down that bag of double stuff oreos, pick up the broccoli, and get started on your way to a healthier you!
Today’s Workout
Buy-in: 3 rds: 10 jumping ring dips, 10 pvc ohs, 10 double crunch
WOD: “All Broken Up”
This wod consists of 4 different parts – add your time from each one to get your overall time (and score) for the day!
*Rest as needed in between these components!*
1. Little Isabel – 30 snatches for time (65/95)
Zone 3 – 55/75
Zone 2 – 45/65
GP – Unbroken – 5 burpees if you drop the bar from overhead or pause for longer than 1sec on the ground
2. Ring Dips – 30 for time
Zone 3 – 20 ring dips
Zone 2 – scale to assisted dips
GP: guys: 1 muscle up and 5 ring dips x 6 (dip in muscle up does not count)
3. Pullups – 30 reps for time
Zone 2 – assisted pullups
GP: Men CTB, 60 reps. Girls regular, 60 reps
4. Situps – 60 reps for time
Zone 2 – 30 reps
Zone 1 – For all – scale as needed
Cash-Out: Do your math then foam roll or massage ball tight/sore spots