Looking for a quick start to following a Paleo Diet?
Are you looking for the Paleo basics, and some help in getting started? Are you doing a Paleo Challenge? Get our Quickstart Guide that includes 6 weeks of meal plans and shopping lists. Plus, over 100 recipes and over 50 pages introducing you to the Paleo Diet!
- Comprehensive Intro to the Paleo Diet
- Over 100 Recipes
- 6 Weeks of Meal Plans and Shopping Lists
“I started Paleo when I learned how much the diet could impact my health–specifically my rheumatoid arthritis. I was already gluten-free, but the idea of cutting out so many other foods was pretty intimidating at first. This helps me SO MUCH, though! I’m amazed at the quality of the recipes and am so grateful for all the creative ideas. I’ve been on Paleo for almost two months now and we’ve made the carrot muffins and omelet muffins every week — they are fabulous! And I’m feeling great – more energy and less lethargy.
Thanks, Paleo Plan!”— Mindy H.
“The Paleo Plan is amazing. My husband and I began three weeks ago and are losing weight and feeling much more energetic. Your recipes are really good and very easy to prepare. Shopping is a breeze with the weekly menu shopping list. You have done a great job.
Thanks.”— Margaret
Here is a link to a sample of the book: http://assets.paleoplan.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Paleo-Plan_Quickstart-Guide-and-Paleo-Challenge-Sample.pdf
Full Book – $19.95 + HST
Purchase the book online (if you still have your Zen Planner password emailed to you) or contact admin@crossfitzone.ca if you would like to buy the book! And don’t forget to ask if your membership qualifies you for a discount!
Q.O.D: Do you or have you followed the Paleo diet in the past? Please share your experience. Did you notice any difference in your energy level and/or performance in the gym?
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Widow Makers (20 rep back squat)
This is week 2 of the widow maker exercise. You will want to increase your previous weight by 5-10lbs. If you can’t make it in the gym today, make sure to get the set in later on this week before or after class.
WOD – “Row Rage”
4 Rounds of (30 minute time cap):
500M Row
10 Ring dips
5 Squat cleans (115/175lbs)
2 minute rest
Zone 4 – scale squat cleans to 95/135lbs
Zone 3 – scale ring dips to 5 reps
Zone 2 – scale to assisted dips, scale squat cleans to 75/115lbs
Zone 1 – scale as needed
* If it is a large class, you will have to partner up on the erg. Partner 2 will start when partner 2 is off the erg. Make sure to work with someone who will be working at the same speed as you.
Cash Out – MWOD – start with the pieces in the video and then if you have extra time, roll out your hips, hammies, and IT band with a foam roller
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=g-mBaHx6Gn4′]