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How’s that kip coming?

Do you have your Kip? Or is there a skill that you really need help on?  Recently, Brandt worked with me in a couple skills sessions to get that darn kip!  He had an amazing experience the other day, the light bulb just turned on!  That could be you in you book your skills session that comes with your membership.   Take a quick read of Brandt’s experience…

Recently I spent time in the CrossFit Zone getting skills training with Coach Deanna. I sought the help because I was struggling with learning the kipping pull-up. I just wasn’t ‘getting’ the movement. I’m a big believer in coaching, in all areas of my life. I’ve gotten coaching for business, photography, and now for CrossFit.

When we started, I wasn’t sure how the session was going to work for me and my concern was that I wouldn’t be able to learn how to kip within the session. Deanna started by helping me understand the different parts of the kipping pull-up. She directed me to how I should move, and what I should be feeling in my body. Noticing that I was having trouble getting a strong swing going, she prescribed core exercises and mobility WODs to help with that. We booked a second session a few weeks later. When I returned, I had gained enough strength and flexibility that I could get further along than I had before. She performed the exercise a few times, and then I had the ‘Aha!’ moment when I realized how she was doing the kip. It came from watching her hands on the bar, and I wouldn’t have realized this if she hadn’t jumped up and started doing pull-ups to show me.

This is where coaching outshines YouTube videos and written instructions. By having her there, working personally with me, and then watching her do an exercise, I made a key distinction that brought me so much further in my quest for the kipping pullup. One-on-one instruction, even for just 15 minutes, brought me nearer to my goal than in 2 months of trying on my own. What I like most is the ability to ask questions, and then get direct observation on my technique.

I recommend booking a coaching skill session for anyone that would like to deepen their skill with an exercise, or learn a new one that’s been a bit tricky. Having an experienced personal coach is an invaluable step in making progress with CrossFit … a great value when you consider it comes free with your membership.

Finally, I am almost there! I need to work more on my pull-up strength and getting the timing just right. However, now I have crossed the skill barrier from ignorance into practice, I know it will just be a few short weeks until I meet my personal goal of 5 unbroken kipping pull-ups. This means a great deal to me because the kipping pull-up is an icon of CrossFit and something I want badly. With Deanna’s coaching, I’m going to get it.

~ Brandt Linkowski

To book your skills session, contact the coach that you want to work with!

Deanna Whiteley (Angry Kitten) –
Krista Kitson (KDF) –
Shannon Jones (Bones) –
Cam Birtwell (Turts) –
Sean Bruce –
Lucas Parker (Scooter) –

Today’s Workout

Buy-in:  Deadlift 5 x 5 – 2 to 3 quick warm up sets then build up to a heavy set of 5. 

WOD:  “Superstardom”

This wod comes back to us from August 24, 2010 and is a combo of two short metcon components.  Both will count towards your score!

Part 1.  5 min amrap of:  10 pullups, 10 box jumps (20/24), 10 double crunch

Part 2.  5 min for max metres traveled on the rowing erg.

Add your total reps in part 1 to your metres in part 2 for your overall score.

Games Preppers – if you are fatigued from last night, take today off (go for a light run/do some mobility work) or go easy on the metcon.  The deadlifts will be helpful for your strength maintenance so if your back is feeling good, then hit those for sure.

Cash-Out:  Easy 800m jog as a group.

Thanks to everyone who came out and competed, cheered, organized, and judged last night.  Awesome work all round, this is going to be a great 6 weeks for our community!

For those of you who were wondering, competing in one “Sectionals Competition Day” per week does not count against your weekly number of sessions.  If you choose to do the WOD twice then the second session will count.


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