If you’re like me, the more healthfully I try to eat, the more I tend to crave a good ol’ binge food here and there. And what better binge food than chocolate, I ask you? Well, here’s yet another way that you can indulge your cravings and still remain true to your Paleo dedication: Fudge Babies!
Fudge Babies
These little balls of heaven are EASY and HEALTHY (*as healthy as fudge balls can be) and AMAZINGLY DELICIOUS. I’m told that they’re so rich and decadent that even a tiny taste is enough to satisfy a late-night chocolate craving!
4 ingredients:
* 1 cup walnuts
* 1 and 1/3 cups pitted dates (If you want a sweeter result, up the proportion of dates. )
* 1 tsp vanilla extract
* 3-4 Tbsp cocoa powder, depending on how chocolatey you want the balls to be.
1. Chop/blend all the ingredients, using a food processor, blender, magic bullet, or whatever-strikes-your-fancy.
2. Roll into adorable little balls. (Use plastic wrap if you need to.)
Typically you would roll these into balls, but if you want “brownies”, simply shape the dough into bars instead.
Takes under ten minutes to prepare from start to finish. Whoopee! All you have to do is pull everything out of the cupboard, blend, roll into balls. Done.
Yield/Number of Servings: … depends on how good/bad/non-existent your self-control is!
I know, I know. It sounds too good to be true! What’s the catch, you ask? Ok, there IS one catch… You have to make some for ME, too! 😉
Today’s Workout
Buy-in: Shoulder Press 5 x 3 – work up to a heavy 3 reps, no knee drive!
WOD: “Classic Version 2.o”
This wod is a variation on “Classic” – which is a mix of 400m runs, thrusters, and knees to elbows. We’ve jazzed up the movements a bit once you get back to the gym, but you still have to get the run done!
For time:
- 3 rounds of: 400m run, 5 power cleans (75/115), 5 thrusters, 5 front squats (all exercises with the same weight)
- then finish with another 400m run
- you can link all of the barbell exercises together – i.e. go right into your first thruster after your last clean without putting the bar back on the ground first.
Zone 4: scale bar weight to 65/95
Zone 3: scale bar weight to 55/75
Zone 2: scale bar weight and movements as needed
Zone 1: scale as needed
Games Prep: your choice – unbroken on barbell complex (if you break – drop bar, don’t touch and go – then 10 burpees on the spot) OR scale up to 95/135 for an extra strength push
Cash-Out: Group stretch – circle up and get it done!