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New Coaaaaaaaaaaach!

Let’s give a big shout out to our newest Coach Jon Elliott.  He is our newest coach that has made it though our three level apprentice program.  Congratulations Jon!   You will see him running Tuesday and Thursday 5:30pm classes.  Here is a message from Jon:

Hello everyone,

New Coach Jon here. That’s right i finally made it to full on coach! I would like to start by thanking all of you for your help and support along the way. I could not have progressed through the zones intensive apprentice program without the feed back of our members.
For those members that do not know me well i will share a little bit about myself. I have always been interested in the health and wellness field. I love the intricacies of the human body and its resilience and ability to adapt to its environment. This passion was elevated by my introduction to Crossfit. It has been through Crossfit that i have been able to overcome certain challenges that in a past life I would have never overcome. It has made me both mentally and physically stronger. For that reason I want to share my experience with others and help them to their goal.  Outside of the gym you can usually find me at Uvic, trying a crazy weight gain scheme, listening to music, walking my dog Hayden, or playing around in my marine fish tank.
I also want to thank the other Zone coaches for all of the pointers and lessons throughout my Crossfit career. See you all at the box!
P.s. I need a sweet nickname!

Nick Name: Twigs (previous nickname?)
Favourite WOD: Blake, any chipper style
Goat: Squat Snatch
Favourite Lift: Power clean
How did you get into CrossFit? went to a personal trainer who thought i would enjoy it. He was right!
How long have you been doing CrossFit for? Close to a year
Benchmark PR: Fran 5:10
Hobbies: Reef keeping (saltwater fish), Crazy weight gain methods
Goal: Get into Chiropractic school, Compete in the crossfit regionals as an individual.

CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
CrossFit Mobility Trainer
CrossFit Zone Level 3 Apprentice Program


Today’s Workout:

Buy In – Agility ladder warmup

WOD “Climax”
A workout designed by Willis

60 Double unders
30 Power Snatch (55/75)
40 Double unders
20 Power Snatch (55/75)
20 Double unders
10 Power Snatch (55/75)

Zone 3 – scale double under reps to 30, 20, 10
Zone 2 – scale snatch to 35/45lbs
Zone 1 – scale to single skips (2:1)

Cash Out – 100’s


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