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Off We Go…

It’s here! It’s here!

Eeeek!  The time has officially come!  Today dawns the day in Vancouver that all the intrepid Zone competitors have been waiting for.  Bright eyed and bushy tailed, our Team and Individuals are ready to face the Regionals mayhem that begins first thing this morning.  After all the months of training, planning, strategizing, hoping, wishing and praying, our gang is here steeling themselves to face whatever the CrossFit Games can throw at them!

The Zone competitors have done all they can to prepare: We know the WODs.  We know each athlete’s strengths and weakenesses. We’ve nursed injuries, sought physiotherapy, modified movements, experimented with pacing and techniques,  eaten for fuel, and fought germs and allergies off with a vengeance.  All that’s left is to go in there and show them what we’ve got!

Thanks to all of you who have shown your support to our team in a myriad of different ways.  Those who have signed cards, communicated well-wishes, attended our “pep-rally”, made posters, contributed snacks and food, offered cars and solutions and planning support, and most of all, remained understanding to all the class schedule changes that ensued as a result of making way for these athletes to train.

Events like this wouldn’t be the same without our Zone family supporting us in the wings, and we can’t wait to report back to you with the results!

Don’t forget to keep sending all your best luck to the gang over the water…

Today’s Workout

Buy-in: Power Clean Progressions – with bar or light load

  • ·         4 sets of 3 from pockets
  • ·         4 sets of 3 from just above knee (smooth to pockets)
  • ·         4 sets of 3 from mid-shin (“floor”)

WOD:  6 Degrees of Hyperventilation

This WOD comes from the very first Zone Games, held in late June 2010.  It was a great challenge for everyone involved and now you get to see how you measure up!

For recording purposes, there are two logged wods in MyFranTime – one with “Rx” scores labeled (Adv) and one with Zone 3 scores.

Rx:  6 minute AMRAP of:

  • ·         6 barhop burpees
  • ·         6 chest to bar pull-ups
  • ·         6 sumo deadlift high pulls (65/95)

Zone 3:  scale to regular pull-ups and 55/75 on the sdhp’s

Zone 2:  Assisted pull-ups, 35/55 sdhp’s

Zone 1:  scale as needed

Cash-Out: Plate Stack Relay – in teams of 3:

  • ·         Start with a stack of 4 plates at one end of the gym (Rx – 45lb, Zone 3 – 35lb, Zone 2- 25lb, Zone 1 – 10lb)
  • ·         In relay style, each team member must pick up one plate at a time and run it across the gym floor (finish point designated by a line drawn on the floor).  Their turn is complete when they have carried all 4 plates and placed them neatly in a stack at the other side of the gym
  • ·         The next competitor runs the plates back to the other side of the gym
  • ·         Each person completes the task 3 times, team with fastest time wins
  • ·         Plates MUST be securely stacked on top of each other!


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