Hey Team,
Cam’s friend and coworker Matt Barr is setting up a casual/everyone welcome lifting competition at Pacific Institute for Sports Excellence for August 7th. He’s putting it on to help a couple of new lifters he trains get ready for a real competition in mid-August and also with the purpose of getting some Crossfitters into trying a real O-lift meet.
This is a great opportunity for our gang to have some fun and do some lifting in a different context. Like I said, anyone is welcome and he so far has only told me and a handful of others about it (it’s likely that if we get a bunch of our peeps out we will be the most numerous).
Women will start at 12:00
Men will start at 2:00
Please arrive an hour ahead of your start time to register, warm up etc.
- Competition will be snatch and then clean and jerk.
- There will be a weigh in just prior to the event to determine rankings
- Contestants will declare their opening attempts at weigh in.
- Technique will be judged as per IWF standards (no press out etc., must wait for down signal).
- There will be four platform warm up area and a competition platform. Eleiko and DHS IWF certified (kg sets) bars and bumpers will be used.
- Clean and jerk competition will begin 15min after the end of the snatch event.
- There will be weigh-ins prior to each group starting, no weight classes but relative weight lifted (vs body weight) will be scored by a Sinclair coefficient.
- The weight of the bar will begin at the lowest declared opening attempt and will progressively move up in weight.
- Each contestant will be allowed a maximal amount (instead of 3) of attempts but will be eliminated after 2 consecutive misses.
- At every successive weight each athlete will have the opportunity to lift it or decline it and wait for a heavier weight.
- Athletes are not required to lift the opening weight and can enter the contest at any time.
- The highest weight the athlete lifts will count towards their total.
- Sinclair total will determine the overall male and female winners.
- Prizes will be given to top male and female lifters.
- There will be no entry fee but everyone will have to sign a waiver at the front desk.
- Volunteer scorekeepers and loaders would be appreciated (i.e. men during the women’s event and vice versa).
Let’s get our gang to represent! Should be fun!
If you are interested, please email admin@crossfitzone.ca. We have to have the final number to Matt by July 31st, 2010.
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – 4 rounds of: 1 deadlift, 1 drop clean, 1 hang power clean, 1 push press (all with bar only). Demonstrated first by coach and done as a group for the first round for corrections.
Follow this up with 4 sets of 3 power clean to push press (or push jerk) practice, working up towards the weight you will use in the workout.
WOD – “Grace”
For Time:
30 floor – to – overhead for time (aka clean and jerk):
* 95lb for women, 135lb for men
Zone 4: scale to 75/115
Zone 3: scale to 65/95
Zone 2: scale to 55/75
Zone 1: scale as needed
Grace is another classic CrossFit “named” WOD. Done fast and furious, it can be done in under 90sec (!) however most people will want to scale so that they complete the workout in 4-6 minutes. Generally speaking, scaling to 50-70% of your max clean and jerk (up to 95/135) would be a good idea.
We last did this workout on May 10, 2010. Check out the leaderboard on myfrantime.com!
Cash Out – 3 x 3 – 5 Skin the cat or progressions
Zone Gymnastics @ 7:30pm
Skills: Forward + Backwards Rolls, Skin the cats, Muscle-ups
WOD: (20) Body Curls, Rings Strength, (20) Inverted Pullups