Day 1 Complete! Congrats to the two teams and the individuals who pushed hard on the handstand pushups and snatches. There were a few PRs on the snatches! Way to go team…. you can check out the results online:
Feel free to head down for Day 2 at the Taranis Winter Challenge to show your support. Remember that if you don’t have a ticket for the day, you need to show up at 7:30am to secure a ticket.
WOD #1 Individuals:
AMRAP in 7 minutes of:
- 1 attempt of max HSPUs (head to ground, no kip)
- Power snatch 1RM, as many attempts as needed
- 1 attempt of max HSPUs (head to ground, no kip)
WOD#1 Team:
AMRAP in 12 Minutes:
- 1 attempt of max HSPUs each (head to ground, no kip)
- Max Power snatch reps 95/145lbs
- 1 attempt of max HSPUs each (head to ground, no kip)
WOD # 2 for individuals:
5Km Run at Clover Point
WOD #2 for Teams:
400M relay run with 20lb Medball
- Team member 1 runs 400M
- Team member 2 runs 400M
- Team member 3 runs 400M
- Team member 4 runs 400M
- Team member 4 runs 400M
- Team member 3 runs 400M
- Team member 2 runs 400M
- Team member 1 runs 400M
Class Announcement Reminder:
Don’t forget that there will only be a 10:00am class today (Saturday, November 5th). The 9:00am class and 11:00am intro will be cancelled due to the Taranis Winter Challenge. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Coach led dynamic warmup. Find a partner and make your team name a running theme to show your support for the Zoners that are running tomorrow am.
3 Rounds for time:
- 500M row
- 5 pushups
- 10 double crunch
- 15 squats
Partner 1 completes the 500M row, then partner 2 completes the 500M row. Partner 1 completes 1 round of 5 pu, 10 dc, 15 sq, then Partner 2 completes 1 round of 5 pu, 10 dc, 15 sq. Continue the next 2 rounds of the workout in that same fashion.
Cash Out – Group stretch, then head down to cheer on your family at the Winter Challenge.