CrossFit Zone is committed to helping our team reach their goals! To do that we offer lots of membership extras along the way. One of the great things that you receive with your membership is a one on one session with a coach to work on any skill that you desire. Over the last couple of years I have worked with a few members in these skills session and they have received amazing results from it. I have seen clients get their first kip and then ten continuous reps by the end of the month. The unfortunate part is, you Zoner’s forget to book them… So we came up with a new plan of action to help you.
We will be hosting a open gym skills session regularly with a different skill every week as long as there is a coach available to come in. (Only valid for Zoner’s on a active membership plan)
This Weeks Skills is the KIPPING PULLUP!
If you are struggling with your kipping pullup or just looking to refine your technique, come down for our first open gym skills session.
The gym will be open from 4:00pm – 5:30pm Sunday, January 9th. Others are welcome to join the open gym, but please be aware that from 4:00 – 4:30pm approximately the pullup bar area will be utilized by the skills session.
Please post to the comments if you are coming to perfect your kip or if you are coming down for the open gym.
Angry Kitten