As you are aware, the majority of the Coaches and Apprentice Coaches will be in Richmond competing or spectating at the CrossFit Canada West Regionals Competition from Thursday, April 26th – Sunday, April 29th. Please see the schedule below for the resulting changes in our business hours:
Thursday, April 26th – All classes are running as per usual, with a few Coach changes 🙂
Friday, April 27th – 9:30am and 12:15pm ONLY
(10:30am Lifting, 4:30pm & 5:30pm Cancelled)
Saturday, April 28th – CLOSED
(9:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am Intro Cancelled)Â Check the website for details on an Outdoor event
Sunday, April 29th – CLOSED (No Open Gym hours)
Please make sure to schedule your attendance for this week in accordance with these closures. We are very sorry for any inconvenience!
– The CrossFit Zone Team
Today’s Workout
Buy In – Coach led dynamic Warmup
WOD – “Nurwor Intervals”
For total working time:
Run 400m
-rest 2:00
Row 500m
-rest 2:00
Run 400m
-rest 1:30
Row 500m
-rest 1:30
Run 400m
-rest 1:00
Row 500m
Notes: These should be all-out efforts! Keep track of each round and if there is greater than a +/- 5 second
differential between any round there is a 25 Burpee penalty.
Zone 3 – no burpee penalty
Zone 2 – scale to 200M run, 250M row
Zone 1 – scale as needed
Cash Out – MWOD
* Psoas stretch with rubber band
* Pigeon Pose
* Calf stretch