Here it is, another fun team workout for you! Enjoy 😉
Today’s Workout:
Buy In – Dodgeball (10 minutes), then choose a Badass partner and make a cool name themed after the movie “Dodgeball”
WOD – “Two ten”
In teams of two break up as needed
- 60 toes to bar
- 50 box jumps (20″/24″)
- 40 pistols (single leg counts as one rep)
- 30 push ups
- 20 burpees
- 10 rings dips
Zone 3 – Scale toes to bar to double crunch and ring dips with a rubber band
Zone 2 – Pistols with a rubber and or to a box
Zone 1 – scale ring dips to jumping ring dips
Cash Out – MWOD – Couch stretch, calf stretch, rubber band stretching for lats, and chest