Recently, due to the Zones Cave Month, I have been doing a little research. I read the book , “ Why we get fat” by Gary Taubes. It is an interesting take on nutritional science and where it seems to be heading. When I first started at the Zone, I read The Zone Diet by Barry Sears. These books have definitely opened my eyes to nutrition research and eating, something I had never thought about much. There is a wealth of literature based around nutrition with lots of valuable take home messages.
QOD: What nutrition-focused literature have you read lately? What were the take home messages? Has it changed the way you eat?
The reason I have largely avoided looking into nutrition is it is something people get passionate and defensive about. People like saying that you are wrong and I am right, but that is not the reason for the discussion here. It is to share information so that people can research more and decided what they believe and why.
To that end, I also wanted to promote the Zone Library. We currently have a limited supply of books, but they have been well received and been taken out frequently. If you have something you would like to share, bring it down, label it and put it in the library. This is a great way for people to be able share knowledge with each other!
Today`s Workout:
Buy In – 5×5 shoulder press
- Increase weight each set
- If you are feeling fresh, go for a 1RM if time allows
WOD – “Dumbbell Bear”
15 min AMRAP
one round =
- 5 deadlifts
- 5 hang power cleans
- 5 thrusters
* use approx 45% bodyweight for dumbbell weight (combined)
Zone 3: scale to weight to 35%
Zone 2: Scale rounds to 4 reps each
Zone 1: scale weight as needed
Cash Out – MWOD
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