Hey all,
I’ve finally got all the video from the PISE Olympic weightlifting competition on my computer and we have a data projector, so why not put the two together? On Sunday from 6-7pm, I’ll be reviewing a number of the lifts from the competition so that the individuals involved can get feedback but also so all of us can learn how to diagnose and correct faulty technique.
We’ll be using some slow-mo and well-timed pauses to highlight common issues in the snatch and clean and jerk (such as early bending of the arms, improper set up, and not getting under the bar to finish the lift). We only have video from the front but it still will give us a lot of information.
As part of the demo, we’ll suggest corrective exercises to eradicate these technique faults and then you all can practice them in the following open gym (7-830pm). Because of space limitations, there will be no open gym during the Olift demo, only in the period after 7pm.
If you were a participant in the competition but don’t want your videos shown, let me know via email at cam@crossfitzone.ca.
Thanks, and hope to see you on Sunday!
Today’s Workout:
Buy-in: Dynamic movement – coaches’ choice!
WOD: Nurwor
Ah, the second appearance of Nurwor… it seems like it was only a few months ago that this WOD crushed the spirits of the CFZ faithful but made them strong and hardy fitness warriors in the process… oh wait, yeah it was only a little while ago – check out the times from May 11 2010 on myfrantime.com to give yourself a target!
Best female time so far is Charly’s 21:08 and on the men’s side Paul OC crushed an 18:47. Enjoy!
5 rounds for time of:
- 500m row
- 400m run
Zone 3: Scale number of rounds to 4
Zone 2: Scale rounds to 3
Zone 1: Scale as needed
Cash-out: Coach-led stretch
Friday 7:30pm Aug 20th
- Ring Strength Series
- Kipping Pull-ups
- Back -up rise on P-bars