Thank you to everyone who came in and did a workout at the One School One Day 12 hr fundraiser and donated to the Imagine One Day Charity. Thanks to the coaches for donating their time to running the classes! Check out the photos on the Facebook Fan page:
Together we raised $870
- $670 cash
- $140 Groupon Coupons
- $60 Online donation
We had 2 plus people at every workout! Here is the number of athletes that completed each workout:
- Annie – 5
- Baseline – 11
- Cindy – 7
- Diane – 3
- Elizabeth – 5
- Fran – 4
- Grace – 7
- Helen – 4
- Isabel – 5
- Jackie – 4
- Kelly – 2
- Mary – 5
Thank you to everyone who competed:
- France
- Nicci completed 3 workouts
- Wendy completed 2 workouts
- Chris C
- Gord completed 4 workouts
- Greg completed 2 workouts
- Presley completed 3 workouts
- Sarah
- Jim T completed 2 workouts
- Allan completed 4 workouts
- Scott completed 3 workouts
- Deanna completed 3 workouts
- Sean
- Jon O completed 2 workouts
- Michael K completed 3 workouts
- Lindsay F completed 2 workouts
- Jessie T completed 2 workouts
- Paolo
- Paul L completed 2 workouts
- May p completed 2 workouts
- Michael G
- Harrison
- Carly
- Eric
- Meagan
- Guests completed 14 workouts
***Special Note – Janine D. is going to do some climbing Saturday at 4:30 at Crag X … message to comments if you’re interested in heading down. You have to have your belay skills up to par though!***
Today’s Workout
Buy-in: 16 turkish get-ups… then:
Choose a team of 3 or 4 – theme for names is “Crossfit Equipment” … i.e. “the Kettle Belles”
WOD: One Thousand Six Hundred Points of Awesomeness
This wod has popped up once before… prepare yourselves for a few more burpees and work together as a team!
As a team, you must complete each component before moving on to the next. Each team member must contribute EQUALLY to each component (i.e. 4 team members = 50 reps each on each exercise), and only one person working at a time.
For time:
1. 200 wallballs
2. 200m run (all team members back before moving on to next station)
3. 200 burpees
4. 200m run (as above)
5. 200 situps
6. 200m run
7. 200 thrusters (35/45lb bar)
8. 200m run (time stops when all team members are inside the gym!)
Zone 1 – scale as needed (can use different bars/wallballs for different team members)
Cash-Out: Easy stretch and relax!