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Track Day Review!

For those of you who missed it, we had an awesome time last weekend doing the track events put on by the dynamic duo of Adam and Craig.  Here’s a rundown of the day in the words of Craig “Craigger” Rice:

The results are in, and Track Day was a hit!

16 Zoner’s came out last Saturday to partake in a day at the Track, here’s how the
day played out.

4 Teams were created, and of course team names were either to be robot or track
related, or both if you felt a little saucy.

Team 1 (Jog a Tron)
Chris Ross

Team 2 (Nuts and Bolt)
Michael M

Team 3 (Zone Bots)
Greg R
Sarah W

Team 4 (Mega Tron Marathon)
Jim Kim
Joanna Robb

After a quick warmup, and a lap around the track to clear off any large debris, the
first event was announced. Kettle Bell Shot Put. Basically a kettle bell swing but
you let go and try for the longest distance. Ladies used the 20lb’er and fellas used
the 40lb. Cam had the top male toss with 22′ 4″, and Joanna Robb had the told female
throw with a spectacular 26′ 6″. Next was the standing long jump. May and Adam tied
for longest jump of 8′ 8″. But watching May fly through the air was somehow more
mystifying… Deanna had the best female jump of 7′, with Michelle a close second of
6′ 11″. The teams got their track on with a 100m wallball relay. Team 2 destroyed it
with a time of 1:09, pretty good considering that they were carrying a 14lb wallball
and had to  hand it off in a stopped position. We thought we’d give everyone a break
from that with some Tug of War! Turns out this is exhausting work, with Team 4
beating each team in turn. The final event was the “Insane Bolt”. A 200m sprint with
a dumbbell, 15 kbs, 200m sprint and 15 air squats, for each team member… twice. So
after all 5 events the scores broken down like this

                Event        1        2        3        4        5        Total
Team 1                        1        4        3        4        3        15               
Team 2                        4        1        1        2        1        9
Team 3                        3        3        4        3        4        17
Team 4                        2        2        2        1        2        9

My goodness, a tie for 1st! So we had a 100 m team sprint/rope carry. Team 2 had a
time of 20:09 and Team 4 21:03.

All in all a fun day at the Track. Look forward to the next event… which may or
may not involve a bit of swimming.

 – Craig

It was a great day full of fun and the unexpected… who’s ever done a forward kettlebell toss for distance before??  The events were well chosen and the spirit of competition was friendly and fierce at the same time… a typical Zone event!  On behalf of all the participants, I’d like to extend a huge “thank you” to Craig and Adam for running such a fun and well-organized event.  Stay tuned for more opportunities for off-site WODness through the summer!


Today’s Workout

Buy-in:  Strength work

  • 4 alternating sets, 8 reps each of:  chinups (wtd if possible), strict press
  • Move slowly but deliberately between the exercises (i.e. 30s to 1min rest between each set of chinups and presses)

WOD:  Rowbot Thrurpees

This WOD comes to us from Zone Games 2 – which was held in September 2010.  It’s a toughie but a goodie.  Take a peek at MyFranTime for the leaderboard scores.

 8 min time cap:

  • 1000m Row
  • Then AMRAP of:
  • 10 Thrusters (75/115)
  • 10 Burpees

Zone 3:  scale bar weight to 55/75

Zone 2:  scale bar weight to 35/55, 800m row

Zone 1:  scale as needed

Cash-Out:  Ball toss for accuracy – use massage balls, opposite arm, bounce it in if needed


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