Sarah worked on her deadlift max Friday night and got a new PR of her body weight! Congrats Sarah 🙂 She went from a 1 rep max of 65lbs to a 3 rep max of 110lbs. Keep on pushing it girl!!!!

Today’s Workout:
6 Rounds
5 Rapid Fire Thrusters (95/65lbs)
65m Sprint
Take approx 2.5 min rest between rounds. Add rounds together. Leave the score in seconds.
* workout from Crossfit Vancouver
Olympic Lift (Mike’s Gym):
1. snatch: work up to 96% x 1 x 5, 85%x2x2
2. cln and jerk: work up to 94%x1x5, 85%x1, 79%x2
3. fs: max single for the day. 90% of that weight x 2 x 2
4. core work