Jay Nera squatting 685lb (from: crossfitotown.com)
Hey all,
Seeing the stats that some humans are able to put up often staggers my mind… and this is starting to happen more and more with the athletes within the umbrella of the Crossfit world. I know that we haven’t reached the limits of what is possible in terms of comprehensive fitness, but every year we are taking GIANT leaps forward.
Where do the limits lie though? Will we see a guy with a 17 min 5k and 600lb deadlift? How about a woman with a 270 clean and 15 muscle ups?
Here are a couple of videos from some folks out east that are powerlifters/crossfit athletes (powerlifters first but showing some impressive skills). Jay Nera is a friend of a friend (thanks for the link Ty!) and at 230lb is immensely strong and very talented with bodyweight movements:
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIL9sREESBc&feature=channel_video_title’]
here’s some deadlifts for ya from the same guy:
?[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2aHOGuteSY&feature=relmfu’]
… And one of his female athletes squats 365lb at a bodyweight of 165!:
?[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3ixP1ef7wI&feature=relmfu’]
Keeps everything in perspective a little bit hey?
Today’s Workout
Buy-in: 3 rounds – 10 walking lunges, 10 double crunch, 10 kettlebell swings (light)
WOD: Nurwor OR Partner Nurwor
Your choice – enjoy by yourself or enjoy with a friend!
Nurwor is: 5 rounds for time of – 500m row, 400m run
Partner Nurwor is the same with one partner on each task – when one person is running, the other is rowing. When both are done, switch tasks until you have both completed 5 rounds of running and rowing
Zone 2 – for both: scale to 200m run, 400m row
Zone 1 – scale as needed
Cash-Out: Relax! It’s Fridayyyyyyyyyyyy!